About the project

FOSTER ('Fostering food system transformation by integrating heterogeneous perspectives in knowledge and innovation within the ERA') is an EU-funded research project. The aim of the project is to help transform Europe's food systems so that it can become more sustainable, resilient, and equitable.

The project is a consortium of research institutions and citizen-driven initiatives from across Europe who are involved in different aspects of the food system, looking at issues such as climate change and social inequality through a food systems lens. FOSTER is exploring ways to create desirable changes and to develop strategies for transforming the food system. The project is committed to promoting participatory and co-creative approaches to developing solutions, which means involving people from different backgrounds and perspectives in decision-making processes. The outcomes of these collaborations will be the basis of an academy and a knowledge platform, to provide tools and best practice examples for mainstreaming citizen science in food systems transformation and thereby enabling systemic change.

For more information about the project, visit the FOSTER project website or check-out their LinkedIn or Instagram profiles.