Amelie Schönhaar

Research Associate


Sustainable Use of Natural Resources

Schloss Osthof-Nord


Amelie Schönhaar works as a research associate at the Institute of Social Sciences in Agriculture, specifically in the Department of Sustainable Use of Natural Resources, at the University of Hohenheim. She holds a B.Sc. in Geography and an M.A. in Adult Education/Further Education. Currently, she is enrolled in the Master's program "Spatial and Clinical Social Work" at FH Campus Wien (Vienna) and is in the process of writing her Master's thesis on "Spaces for Student Empowerment" in collaboration with netzwerk n e.V.. At the University of Hohenheim, Amelie is involved in the T.R.E.E. project, which focuses on creating spaces that facilitate socio-ecological transformation processes, enhancing teaching, research, and practice within the university. Amelie has dedicated several years to promoting participatory and inclusive universities, with a particular emphasis on empowering students and amplifying their voices.

Curriculum Vitae

Since Juli 2024

Research associate in the project "T.R.E.E. - Transformation (er)leben und (er)lernen" at the Chair of Sustainable Use of Natural Resources, University of Hohenheim


Streetworker (mobile social work in public spaces), Suchthilfe Wien gGmbH

Since September 2022

Master's degree program in spatial and clinical social work (focus on special social work), Department Social Work, FH Campus Wien (Vienna)

2021 – 2023

Research Associate in the project "Digital Learning for Sustainable Development (DLSD)" and Studium Oecologicum, Competence Center for Sustainable Development of the International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities, University of Tübingen


Project coordinator of the non-formal learning space "Global Classroom" at Welthaus Stuttgart e.V., Information Center for Development Education (EPiZ) Reutlingen


Master Adult Education/ Further Education, Department of Education, University of Tübingen


Teamer for pedagogical support seminars in the area of voluntary services (FSJ/BfD), Kreisjugendring Esslingen e.V.


Bachelor Geography, Department of Geoscience, University of Tübingen