Dr. Haseena Kadiri

Dr. Haseena Kadiri is working as a research coordinator in Brightspot project-India. With a solid background in forestry,she has served as an officer in charge of planning, formulating, and laying out agroforestry plots in the "All India coordinated project on agroforestry, Kerala," providing valuable insights into regional land-use dynamics. Her expertise spans various fields, including organic farming strategies for farmers in Kerala, air pollution tolerance of plant species along the state highway in the outer Himalayan region, and biomass residue management, biochar production, characterization, and application. Notably, she recently worked as a project associate at the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, focusing on developing valuable products from stubble waste and agricultural straw through a bio-refinery approach, along with conducting field trials. Her research efforts was also centered on assessing carbon sequestration potential and soil conditioning properties of bio char using different organic amendments.

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