Tree News
First T.R.E.E. method school! [17.02.25]
Community building for a culture of sustainabilityWhat is community building? What does a culture of sustainability mean to me? Why do we need strong communities of practice when it comes to transforming university teaching towards a culture of sustainability? What do we need in Hohenheim?
We addressed questions like these at our first TREE Methods School on (Sustainable) Monday, January 13, at the University of Hohenheim's Green Office. For us, method school means getting people from different status groups around one table, educating ourselves, learning from each other, and initiating sustainable transformation processes in a creative and stimulating atmosphere—both within ourselves and at the University and in teaching.
This time, Prof. Thomas Potthast and Maike Weynand from the University of Tübingen gave us an inspiring insight into their academic practice. They are part of the KuNaH (Culture of Sustainability at Universities) joint project. Together with many other colleagues from sustainability and transformation research, they are investigating what a culture of sustainability can look like and how it can be promoted across institutions.
The link with the topic of community building resulted in an exciting exchange, which we were able to expand and deepen in the subsequent World Café format.
The aim of this first TREE Method School was to open up a new space for transformative learning at the University of Hohenheim. Thanks to the great cooperation with our colleagues from the AKN (Working Group Sustainability), the Green Office, and the KuNaH project, we explored what a living culture of sustainability and community of practice can mean in Hohenheim.
We would like to thank all participants and contributors once again for their commitment and inspiring contributions!
Your T.R.E.E. Team