Tree News

Wrapping Up: Enacting Local Transformation in the Agri-Food System!  [05.03.25]

We’ve successfully completed the first round of teaching our module Enacting Local Transformation in the Agri-Food System!

To celebrate this milestone, we gathered for a potluck lunch—a fitting way to close a course centered around food, community, and transformation.

But before the feast, we took time for reflection—individually, in small groups, and in a big reflection circle. Looking back is a crucial part of learning, and we also used various evaluation methods to gain insights from our students.

Throughout the course, participants worked in four small groups, each developing their own transformative projects:

  • A nature experiential walk to reconnect with landscapes
  • An information campaign on vermiculture to promote soil health
  • A large art banner exploring relationships within the agri-food system
  • Activities promoting local & seasonal food to enhance cooking literacy

We’re incredibly proud of all the students and can’t wait to share their final projects with you! Stay tuned. 

Read more about our module Enacting Local Transformation in the Agri-Food System.

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