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Teaching in Dialogue:   [13.02.25]

Transformation through Embodiment - The Bicycle as a Didactic Tool

On February 5, 2025, we were present at Hohenheimer Lehre im Dialog to present our module Exploring Regional Transformation Through Utopias and to discuss innovative teaching formats together with other teachers. The event was organized by the Office of Higher Education Didactics together with the Green Office Hohenheim – great to see what is happening in Hohenheim in terms of sustainable teaching!

Three inspiring teaching projects were presented and then we discussed together:

  • "Sustainable (non-)consumption as an object of research-based learning" – Jun.-Prof. Dr. Laura Henn
  • "Simulation Game Sustain2030 – Integrating Sustainability into Teaching in a Playful Way" – Lilli Frank & Nicolas Neef
  • "Transformation through Embodiment – The Bicycle as a Didactic Tool" – Anna Struth, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Verena Seufert & Amelie Schönhaar

Our contribution presented the module Exploring Regional Transformation Through Utopias, which combines lectures with a five-day bicycle excursion. During the tour, we will visit around 15 projects that function as lived utopias and bright spots. Cycling is more than just locomotion – for the learning process is a conscious didactic element that expands the perception of what is possible through embodiment. Students thus experience their own utopia. 

Some exciting takeaways from the discussion:

  • Additional qualifications are often necessary – innovative teaching formats often require new skills. For example, I did further training as an ADFC tour guide in order to be able to lead cycling groups safely.
  • Evaluation of innovative formats? – Unconventional performance should also be assessed as long as there are grades at universities. Especially with learning diaries, the question arises as to how to evaluate them fairly – we have developed our own criteria for this.
  • New formats make you want to learn! – Some participants were directly motivated to cycle along themselves.

 Many thanks to the organizers and all participants for this inspiring exchange!

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