
Guest lecture - Dr. Katharina Waha  [14.07.23]

Dr. Katharina Waha will visit the University of Hohenheim and give a guest lecture on: "Agricultural ecosystems and climate change - impact modelling, adaptation and food security"


Katharina Waha is a researcher at the Centre for Climate Resilience at the University of Augsburg, leading the chair for Climate Resilience and Human-Made Ecosystems. In previous roles, Dr. Waha was a Research Scientist at CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization - Australia’s national science agency) and at PIK (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research). She holds a master’s degree in Geography from the University of Leipzig and a PhD in Environmental Sciences from PIK.


Dr Waha’s scientific career encompasses climate change impact research, spatial analysis and food security studies. Her work aims to advance theory and practice related to agroecological systems analysis and climate change impact assessments, with a particular focus on large-scale regional, national and global analyses and quantitative approaches. She is a contributing author to the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land and the IPCC 6th Assessment Report and a member of the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP).


Monday, July 24, 11:00-12:30
Lecture Hall HS33
Schwerzstraße 38 (Schloss, äußerer Osthof-Nord)

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